Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Online Information About Games And Its Rules

Games are a universal part of the human experience, for all cultures, genders and ages. Games are generally distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which
is more concerned with the expression of ideas.A game is a structured or semi-structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes also used as educational tools.Many game tools are tokens, meant to represent other things.
A token may be a pawn on a board, play money, or an intangible item such as a point scored.Playing a game is therefore an activity that is distinctly apart from useful or productive activities. This is close to Huizinga's observation that, like sacred space, games can only exist within precise space-time boundaries whether it's length of a game, in a stadium or a on a checkerboard. Thus a game may be seen as a powerful expression of creative freedom and triumph over the burdensome determinism of things or social status, all within perfectly circumscribed limits. In his novel The Gambler, Fyodor Dostoevsky's player considers the risk of gambling as some kind of ghostly being, foreign to any real laws; this being can both give and take everything one has and for whom everything is possible. A throw of the dice doesn't kill chance, it kills necessity. The game itself does not annul all laws, it simply makes them particularly legible and unequivocal. Gambling actually opened the doors to the study and calculation of probability because it offers the opportunity to analyze risk by looking at it in a very artificial, closed and homogeneous system. This systems is based on numbers and repetition, whether it's a card game or roulette. Game rules end up being an extreme standardization of reality.
Games are often classified by the components required to play them (e.g. a ball, cards, a board and pieces or a computer).Games obey a logic that is diametrically opposed to that of profit-making. According to German philosopher Friedrich Schiller games were born, much like art, from an overabundance of energy when compared to actual societal needs. So games are nothing more than an opportunity to spend excess energy. This of course doesn't seem to take into account money-making games. But globally these games produce nothing, since, as Caillois notes, at most they make certain players rich at the expense of others. If so then a true game by definition must break even. Dutch Historian Johan Huizinga points out that wins are not a salary. Today the simple act of making a salary in a game immediately transforms a player into a professional.Games such as hide-and-seek or tag do not utilise any obvious tool. Rather its interactivity is defined by the environment. Rules generally determine turn order, the rights and responsibilities of the players, and each player’s goals. Player rights may include when they may spend resources or move tokens. Common win conditions are being first to amass a certain quota of points or tokens (as in Settlers of Catan), having the greatest number of tokens at the end of the game (as in Monopoly), or some relationship of one’s game tokens to those of one’s opponent (as in chess's checkmate).

Skill, strategy, and chanceWhereas games are often characterized by their tools, they are often defined by their rules. While rules are subject to variations and changes, enough change in the rules usually results in a "new" game.[citation needed] For instance, baseball can be played with "real" baseballs or with whiffleballs. However, if the players decide to play with only three bases, they are arguably playing a different game.Games of skill include games of physical skill, such as wrestling, tug of war, hopscotch and target shooting, and games of mental skill such as checkers and chess. Games of strategy include checkers, chess, go, arimaa, and tic-tac-toe, and often require special equipment to play them. Games of chance include gambling games (blackjack, mah jong, roulette etc.), as well as snakes and ladders and rock, paper, scissors; most require equipment such as cards or dice. However, most games contain two or all three of these elements. For example, American football and baseball involve both physical skill and strategy while poker and Monopoly combine strategy and chance.

Types Of Games:

1.Field games (sports)
2.Video game
3.Board games
4.Card games
5.Role playing games
6.Single-player games
7.Animals and games